Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a REV Premier or Bulldog Checking Account and a 12 month Savings Builder Certificate
- Deposit $500 within 45 days of opening
- Meet checking account monthly requirements for one year
- Deposit $500 per month
- Spend $500 per month on debit/credit card
- A forfeiture of the $200 bonus will occur in the event either
- The Qualified Checking Account is closed before the initial maturity date of the Savings Builder Certificate
- If any withdrawals from the Savings Builder Certificate occur which may be subject to an early withdrawal penalty fee as outlined in the Truth-in-Savings Rate and Fee Schedule.
- Nationwide with $15 donation
- Can’t have had a checking account in the past 18 months
- Premier & Bulldog checking – $5 monthly fee
- Waived by meeting monthly checking account requirements above
Account Closure
- Checking account must stay open through savings builder maturity date
- Not sensitive
- $1k in credit card funding
Valid through: No end date listed
First reported by DoC

Looks who’s back… with a much more tedious offer. It’s still doable as it could be automated. Debit card spend for the year is what kills this.
This looks way too complicated and lengthy for only $200. The spending $500 per month on their Debit/Credit card is a No for me.
I opened a REV account yesterday (2/17/25) and emailed them this morning (2/18/25), asking about the 12-month savings builder account, this is the response that I received… “Good afternoon, The promotion for the $200 bonus is not available as of yet. We will release information when it becomes available. We can assist you with setting up your online account. Please verify the last four of your ssn, date of birth and address for verification? Thanks, ~Rev Federal Credit Union”