Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a new Blue Carbon business solutions checking account
- Deposit $35k within 30 days of opening
- Maintain balance for 7 months
- Bonus posts within 60 days of completion
- Nationwide per FAQ
- Can’t have had an account in the past 12 months
- Blue Carbon business checking no fees with
- E statements
- Keep balance above $35k
Account Closure
- No rule listed
- Not sure
Valid through: No end date listed
First reported by MM

The promo page for business checking mentions tier interest rates… but doesn’t tell me the tiers. This is a lot of money to tie up for 7 months.
if you click on rates, then biz rates, then go down it says this account gets 0 apy. That would make the bonus come out to less than 5% if my math was right, worse than many savings accounts
Basically, nothing to see here, move on, the 5%, you can do treasuries at that rate, plus they are State Income tax excluded