Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a Blue Axis Edge checking account – $300
- Direct deposit $500 for 6 consecutive months
- Open a Blue Axis Edge savings account – $300
- Deposit $15k within 30 days
- Maintain balance for 6 months
- Bonuses post within 60 days of completion
There’s a referral for $25 gift card here that appears to be stackable
- Nationwide per FAQ
- Can’t have had an account your applying for within the last 12 months
- Both accounts are fee free
Account Closure
- No rule listed
- Not sure
Valid through: No end date listed
First reported by MM

Lengthy offer but should be easy enough. The savings terms say the bank pays 4.88% on balances of $5k+.
Approved this week. From Nebraska. 4th checking acct this year.
Went to review for me to upload DL.
what does your chex look like ?
Reading DoC they appear to be Chex-sensitive at least to people applying from farther away
what fake dd’s for the checking account would be accepted ?
These requirements are just disgusting lol