Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a new Platinum savings account
- Promo code PS2025
- Deposit the following amounts within 30 days of opening
- $25k = $225
- $50k = $300
- Bonus posts within 90 days of account opening
- Nationwide
- Current customers with a Platinum Savings account opened prior to the promotion may enroll their current Platinum Savings account into the promotion using Promo Code PS2025 or open a new Platinum Savings account via the enrollment web page using Promo Code PS2025.
- Platinum savings is fee free
Account Closure
- No closure rule listed
- Yes
Valid through: No end date listed

I’ve read the terms three times and there’s no mention of a lockup period. Have the money in by the 30th day. Make sure to re-read the terms when you signup as this likely won’t last. However, there is a 4.30% APY so leaving the funds wouldn’t be the worst thing.