Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a new savings account.
- Promo code ‘GBPP624’
- Deposit the following within 30 days of opening:
- $15k = $150.
- $25k = $200.
- Nationwide
- New customers only
- Savings account is fee free
Account Closure
- No rule listed.
Valid through 3/13/25

We’ve seen higher offers in the past. This is the standard promo they run. Worth nothing there is no lockup period for the funds. I’ve read of folks being able to cycle money back and forth to get the total amount of deposits to add up to $25k. This bonus use to payout next day. I think there’s more of a delay now.
BONUS1023D works for the $400 for a $30K deposit, which is lower than the 45K. I just opened the account and the terms and conditions reflect the lower deposit requirements.
I used this code as well. Decided I am going to deposit the full $30k in before withdrawing anything.
Tried this code and it no longer works.
hi—-can you take the money out the next day after you deposit or should you wait till the bonus posts ?
Discover doesn’t specify a lock up period. In the past people have completed the higher tier by looping the same money back n forth to total the required deposit amount. So as far as I know that still works.