Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open an new Advantage checking account
- Promo code ATM250
- Direct deposit $500 for the first three consecutive months
- Complete 10 debit card transactions or payments of $10 each, for the first three consecutive months
- Bonus posts 90 days from completion
- IL, IN, MI, OH
- Can’t have had an account in the past 12 months of the promo start date (6/3/24)
- Advantage checking – $15 monthly fee is avoidable with one of the following:
- $500 direct deposit per month
- 15 debit card transactions per month
- $1,500 balance
- 62+ years old
Account Closure
- Keep account open 6 months
- Yes
Valid through: 12/31/24
First reported by DoC

I remember doing a $400 offer awhile back. This one is easier and also easier to avoid fees on.