Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a new Checking account using the referral link
- Direct deposit $200 within 45 days of account opening
- Nationwide
- New customers only
- Checking account has a $5/monthly fee
- Avoidable with a $200 direct deposit each month
Account Closure
- No closure rules listed
Valid through 9/1/24

The fee on this one is really annoying but it’s good for a quick run. The referral program does allow for $1,500/year so it could still be worth the $5 hit to some.
referral offer valid until 2/1/24
I had my DD, got the bonus within a couple days, but before I had the chance to withdrawal the bonus, my account was permanently locked. I tried many times, but had no luck retrieving it myself, and my employer now has to send a written request to withdrawal the funds. Not a fun time, don’t recommend.
I’d file a CFPB complaint. I’ve never heard of a bank being allowed to close your account and withhold the funds from you. They can either send you a check or basically do a return to sender if they decline to bank the money from the employer.
This did not work. I had a DD on 5/17 and called them multiple times on 5/30 and 5/31 with tickets that they kept closing without details. Took forever with customer service but eventually they said I had to get the referrer to go on the call with me to verify their account and that they referred me. They would not budge and they just hung up on me. I just closed the account from frustration. Good luck with this one
Email me on the contact forms page.
This one has been fun so far. Real DD posted 5/17/23, no bonus yet. I then turned on notifications and activated the debit card. I hit up support and they escalated to the back office who is supposed to contact me to review the issue of the bonus not posting. They said within 1-2 days…on day 4 now. Since then, another real DD posted 5/24/23 and I received text, email and in-app notifications of a DD hitting my account so I’m glad I have this as proof since I know they are going to try to deny my DD. Will update once they contact me.
I’ve seen them give some folks a hard time because the DD’s category say ACH -IN but as far as I can see, they all say that. It’s possibly something to do with the description of the transaction but hard to say. Nothing we can control though. I’d say give them this one more chance. Save the documentation and then CFPB if needed after this.
Not having a lot of luck on this one so far, have tried Fidelity brokerage account and Ally zelle using account #, the Ally zelle shows as a direct deposit notification in the app but no payout so far. It’s been a few days since that posted so losing hope it will count, just opened a Novo business account to try from there next week.
I’ve heard it’s been taking up to two weeks from some folks. Despite the terms listing 48 hours. Does it say direct deposit in the transaction description?
Fingers crossed it comes through just delayed. No for the transaction details on the GO2 side it says Ally Bank Zelle and shows my name but in the app when I go to my inbox and look at notifications it does say “A direct deposit has arrived…” and provides the details of that ally zelle. The fidelity brokerage didn’t get this notification so maybe ally did trigger the bonus and they are just taking longer to payout
If there are no closure rules listed, then when would you suggest closing the account if you are just looking to get the bonus?
Normally I give it 90 days. With this, I believe you can close the account yourself in app. I’d do it after the bonus posts.
What happens to the 1099-INT typically after you close the account? Would it still be accessible online come tax season?
Depends on the bank. Some leave your profile open. Others mail them to you. Some banks do nothing as they are only required to report payments of $600+.
The question is for any bank really, from your experience.
hi—-how quickly did you get your 100 ? i heard 2 days….if you got paid, what external bank deposit did you do to get accepted ? and if you any know of any other external bank’s they will accept ?
They paid me same day. I used a real DD. I’d try using a business bank account and sending the $200 like you’re paying an invoice. This is a harder one to fake from what I understand.