Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a Key Smart Checking account
- Promo code ‘KDSA1224‘
- $10 opening deposit
- Direct Deposit $1k within the first 60 days of account opening
- Bonus posts within 90 days of completion
- AK, CO, CT, ID, IN, MA, ME, MI, NY, OH, OR, PA, UT, VT, WA
- Can’t have had an account in the last 12 months
- Smart Checking is fee free
Account Closure
- No rule listed
Valid through 3/31/25

We just saw a $300 offer end. I’d wait to see if that one comes back around.
They do Chex as well but they didnt deny me because of my Chex report. I remeber going in branch and the lady had a KeyBank ChexSystems thing on her desk.