Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a new Checking Account
- Promo code “RAF25”
- $25 opening deposit
- Direct deposit $1k/month for 6 consecutive months
- Bonus posts as $50 increments for each month completed.
- Nationwide
- Requires membership to Financial Fitness Association. The CU will pay the $8 for you
- Can’t have had a checking account in the last 24 months
- Free checking is fee free
Account Closure
- No rule listed
Request an invite
- Email:
- Subject line – Key Point CU Referral
- Full name
- Email address
The invite will come from a different email address. Use the link in the email to open your account with the same email address. You may need the name “Rylan Brown” and the promo code “RAF25”
No end date listed
- There’s also $500 in credit card funding available.
- For the Financial Fitness Association – they emailed me a day after application to e-sign the membership form. They’ll also send an email to their portal. Once I completed the form, I downloaded it and uploaded it to the portal. This probably isn’t required (though the portal did list it as a required document) figured it make things go faster

Annoying that it takes 6 full months to complete but it’s still easy enough. Credit card funding is also rumored to be lowered to $500.
Do we have any recent data points on whether or not CC funding into either savings, checking or CD’s at KeyPoint CU is coding as a cash advance or a purchase? Seeing mixed comments on DoC thread.
New requirements of 1k DD a month for 6 months is kinda fugly
It’s not as good as it use to be. This is now more for the credit card funding than anything else.
I don’t mind ACH’ing over $1k each month for a 5% return on that $1k 🙂 That’s effectively like a 60% APR 🙂 $2500 CC funding is insanely good as well 🙂
Does anyone know if they do a hard pull on your credit report for the checking?
Can confirm, no hard pull
Anyone know if Amazon gift card .50 reloads will qualify as debit card transactions currently the say “check” in description?
I also did a fidelity cash management ACH that coded as ACH.
I did $1 cash app reloads and it worked. They also said “CHECK” in the description line. I’ve never had Amazon not work to satisfy a debit card requirement.
Any idea RJ if this one requires one $1k direct deposit in 60 days or can it be cumulative? I’m trying to split my paycheck a few different ways right now.
They paid out yesterday for me. I did two DD’s but only a total of maybe $1,100. Debit card transactions were via Cash App reloads. Took maybe 2 weeks to get paid.
What bank account did you do these two DD’s from ?
I think I sent my YouTube money to this account for the DD back when I did it. So a real DD. The classics would likely work like a Wise or biz account.
Hi Ryan, I’ve sent an email for the invite a few days ago and haven’t gotten a reply back. Please check your mailbox when you get a chance. Thank you.
Hey, I didn’t see anything but it’s all good. I sent an invite to the email address linked to your comment. Let me know if that works.