Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a new checking account
- Activate debit card
- E-statements
- Direct deposit $500 per month
- Bonus posts within 60 days of completion
- Nationwide with $5 donation
- New customers
- Existing customers who haven’t had a checking account in the past 90 days
- Smart checking is fee free
Account Closure
- No rule listed
- Yes
Valid through: 12/31/24
First reported by DoC
Even with the donation, early comments suggest this one is tough to get into. There is no mention of how many direct deposits are needed. They use the word ‘recurring’, if you can swing it, I’d do one per month until they pay.
At the bottom of your screenshot of the offer it says “New PCMU members must open a primary share savings and checking account to qualify.”
So we need to open a savings account as well?