Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a new checking & savings account account
- Promo code GET300
- Two direct deposits totaling $1k within the first 60 days of opening
- NH
- Membership rules appear to be nationwide. Reports from DoC’s old post in 2020 suggest this bank doesn’t honor their own language.
- Student, Beyond, & 603 checking are fee fee with e-statements
Account Closure
- Keep account open 6 months
- Yes
Valid through: 12/31/24

According to their memberships page, this should be nationwide. Older reports suggest the bank still takes issue with out of state accounts. On top of being Chex sensitive… good hunting.
Got denied because they could not verify my ID which is probably just an excuse to deny me because I’m out of footprint.
Usually the could not verifiy iyour identification is a Chex denial. Would call them and tell them you can verifiy your identification voer the phone if needed.